Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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Disasters can strike at any time. U.S. fire departments alone respond to an average of 37,000 fires at industrial properties each year, requiring companies and governments to comply with strict industry regulations for worker safety. Bottom line is, when an emergency situation arises putting your personnel in harm’s way, a pre-defined response plan and a rapid, site-wide response are critical. However, manual-based personnel tracking and accountability systems are highly inaccurate, very time consuming, and often only cover particular areas, especially with larger sites and workforces.

SmartTraxx PA delivers automated, hands-free accounting of personnel – whether in buildings, outdoor areas, or at designated muster stations – providing critical real-time site demographic data when you need it most – mustering and evacuation. With its enterprise-wide visibility from any single monitoring point, and customizable, two-way Active RFID badge-style tag, personnel can be pinpointed simultaneously to within feet, even in the most hazardous environments and conditions. During real disasters staff do not go to muster points, they flee for safety. Effective personnel mustering requires real-time, passive personnel/visitor tracking. It’s also been designed to provide personnel the assurance that they can communicate and call for help during an emergency, and eliminate critical delays when help is needed.



Representative Projects and Customers

Personnel Mustering & Accountability Overview

Personnel Accountability Software

Many organizations utilize inadequate spreadsheet or complex ERP systems to manage assets, and find that there is a substantive gap between desired asset management objectives and asset management reality.

The challenge includes knowing precisely what assets are on hand, what assets have been issued/assigned, asset locations and the name of the custodial owner of each asset.

SmartTraxx incorporates the functions and features that customers have asked Virtual Doxx to deliver since 2006, providing a robust set of capabilities configured to each customer’s exacting asset management solution needs.

SmarTraxx supports unlimited asset types, asset database records and asset ‘child’ database records related to asset maintenance processes. SmartTraxx is configured in accordance with customer requirements, and approved by customers prior to implementation, best ensuring project and solution success.

The SmartTraxx computerized registry also maintains audit trails including, asset, person, place, time and date for every software or physical interaction of staff with assets.

RFID Doorway Mustering

Asset tracking starts with unique asset identification. Asset identification starts with reconciling physical assets with procurement or similar data, to ensure that ERP or manually captured data corresponds one-to-one with physical assets. Very often, procurement data has ‘many assets within a single row of data’, whereas an asset management system must have one row of data for each serialized assets, and, records for non-serialized assets with incrementing/decrementing.

After a computerized asset registry is in place that ensures physical asset – to – database integrity, the assignments and locations of assets must be managed and maintained over time.

For organizations with minimal assets, bar codes can be used for scanner-only tracking from close proximity one-at-a-time. For organizations with many assets and/or asset security needs, assets can be passively tracked by RFID antennas in facilities, at facility exits, and at gates. Portable scanners enable rapid serialized asset inventories many-at-a-time with portable RFID scanners (approximate 20’ range) and touch-computing updates on non-serialized item cycle counts, increments and decrements.

RFID Zone Mustering

Asset statuses change over time, and assets have a defined life-cycle from procurement through receipt to final disposition.

SmartTraxx includes status control functionality that enables the status of assets to be monitored over time, such as new, assigned, out-for-service, surplus, sold destroyed etc. SmartTraxx also maintains asset status values that are captured and exported from back-end ERP or similar systems.

SmartTraxx also provides structure and tracking of asset maintenance workflow tasks, such as calibration, inspection, preventative maintenance, service contract renewal and similar workflows. SmartTraxx provides unlimited workflow queues for any and all tasks related to assets. Asset tasks can be manually queued or can be automatically queued by the software. The queues provide real-time visibility to current tasks related to assets.

Child database records can be added to each asset record for each task, providing a complete history of all events related to all assets.

Electronic documents, such as product warranties, or, maintenance agreements can be saved to asset database records.

RFID Gate Mustering

It is critical to reconcile an asset’s initial value in all asset management databases / systems. The procurement value from an organization’s backend purchasing system should match the value of the asset in a computerized asset management system.

It is essential that organizations maintain a current value of assets over time, based on prevailing depreciation schedules and valuations based on the condition, status and age of assets. Accurate financial accounting is essential to an organization’s ability to properly account for assets and for asset reporting related to tax filings.

Asset management systems must keep track of all assets and their current valuation, surplus value or actual remuneration gained through asset sale.

SmartTraxx enables the identification of assets and the life-cycle management of assets and asset values from initial procurement through final disposition.

SmartTraxx includes unlimited standard and custom reports to account for assets and their valued, including the ability to export data to backend ERP or similar systems.

Example Personnel Muster Report