Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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RFID Software

SmartTraxx PA is mature, robust RFID software for identifying and tracking people, assets and vehicles. The software continually monitors connected RFID hardware for the presence of RFID tags. Once RFID readers detect a tag, SmartTraxx PA gathers information from the RFID reader about the tag and reader: date, time, tag number, battery age, signal strength and reader number and stores the information in an Open Database Compliant database. Users can designate readers as part of specific groups related to reader location, position, relationship to each other and enhanced functionality groups. SmartTraxx PA displays event information in a web-based format and offers options to view information in real-time or use a number of reports for historical information. The software can join specific information about personnel, assets and moving equipment/vehicles to the RFID tag, enhancing the quality of information contained in the reports.

Determines, from the defined hardware structure, the expected information from the hardware and responds accordingly on how to store and react to the event. The RFID database software application determines if the data is a one-time event or part of an ongoing data stream.

Continually monitors for the presence of tags and dynamically updates location information each time a RFID tag is detected at a reader and both current and report data will reflect any change in location.

Includes a number of standard reports that display current personnel, asset and vehicle locations as well as historic reports on locations and movement history. Reports allow users to view information based on location or specific event.

Includes an option to archive personnel, visitor, asset or moving equipment/vehicle information on a RFID tag. Using this option, the tag can be reused without losing the history on the previous tagged asset.

Detects the direction of tag movement – By using the optional Gate Logic Module and paired reader sets, one inside a portal and one outside, the software is able to determine direction of travel, based on which readers see the tags first. Based on direction of travel, SmartTraxx PA can display all assets in or out of an area.

Control doors, gates and cameras – Software supports ancillary applications that can use RFID location information to control security devices. When a tag is detected at a specific reader, these applications will open or close an IP configured contact device that can open a secure door or activate a camera.

Display Alarms when defined conditions occur – Software Alarm Services enable triggering of alarms when predefined events occur. When the event is seen, an alarm message will be forwarded to User workstations. The workstations will display the alarm and have the ability to dismiss alarms as they occur.

Monitor Time and Attendance of Personnel – The Time and Attendance module works in conjunction with Gate Logic to determine personnel direction in and out of the facility and calculate the total time in or out of the facility. Reports display total time in facility by day, week, month or year.

Track location and movement of facility Visitors – The Visitor Service uses the RFID tracking hardware to monitor visitors as they move around your facility. Use the system to check in/out visitors, designate responsible party and expected time in the facility. Account for all visitors in an emergency.

Graphical Display of all Personnel and Visitors – The graphical display module uses personnel and visitor location information to display their son a user-supplied map of the facility. Each User has the ability to load up to eight different maps to focus on different areas within the facility.