Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

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UHF Mobile Computing

UHF mobile scanners support RFID, bar code, prox card and card swipe functions for identifying personnel at muster points, at gates or at any location where personnel or visitors need to be checked-in or otherwise identified. If personnel or visitors do not have ID card for purposes of validating the person, the scanner software enables query-on-device to display a data record about personnel or visitors for identification and mustering purposes.

UHF mobile scanners support communication with network/server utilizing manual sync, WiFi, GSM or GPS technologies. UHF mobile scanners for personnel mustering can be utilized as the primary method for personnel identification and personnel mustering, and, are ideal as a backup to other mustering infrastructure (gates, facility doors, etc.) in case of power or other failure to computer systems.

UHF mobile scanners are available with standard or heavy-duty assembly to withstand rugged uses and being dropped-to-concrete. UHF mobile scanners are manufactured to withstand a wide spectrum of environmental conditions including rain/moisture, sand, heat and cold temperatures.
Most current UHF mobile scanners include option for ‘sled’ scanners that scan RFID and bar codes, and includes Bluetooth for communicating with a Smartphone mounted on the scanner. Smartphones support modern Android and iOS software applications. Sled scanners with Smartphone prevents scanner obsolescence, given that phone software apps and core software can be easily updated, or, phones can be inexpensively replaced over time.

UHF mobile scanners have a maximum detection range of approximately 20’.