Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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Asset Data

The RFID infrastructure that is installed at gates, exterior zones, entrance-exits or other choke-points can also detect and track assets. The investment in personnel mustering and personnel accountability easily scales for tracking assets, enabling asset accountability and loss prevention for a minimal additional investment.

Any assets that are portable, such as a laptop, tablet or phone, can be tagged and tracked. Wherever RFID antennas are installed, the assets will be detected based on their RFID tag and asset locations are automatically updated in the database.

If an asset is detected at an unauthorized location, alarms and alerts can be triggered to prevent unauthorized asset removals. Asset tags also support motion-detect and tamper-detect features, so that assets that are not supposed to be moved will trigger alerts and alarms if moved or there is tampering of the tag.

In addition to tagging and tracking portable assets, all assets within an organization can be registered in SmartTraxx PA software and rapidly inventoried. IT assets, furniture, mechanical assets (HVAC etc.) and janitorial assets can all be tracked with RFID.