Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

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RFID Facility Doorways

Personnel muster data from gates and/or facility entrance exits provides important and primary muster data and personnel location details. RFID doorways within facilities provide additional personnel location data, so that personnel shown on muster reports as location = ‘in facility’, first responders will have a more precise understanding of where personnel are located within facilities based on the facility doorways through which personnel traveled.

RFID antennas are available with brackets for mounting on sides of doors, overhead or on floor. Readers/antennas can also be placed above ceiling tiles. The RFID antennas are positioned, angled and calibrated to saturate doorway walk-through areas to detect personnel traveling through doorways. Doorways can also be equipped with stand-up portals at doorway locations where it is not possible or reasonable to install antennas around the doorway. RFID facility doorways can be installed with dual antennas or with motion sensors to augment doorway data with direction-of-travel.

Whereas access control systems support the tracking of personnel through doorways within facilities, access controls systems require personnel to engage with the hardware via card, PIN # or biometrics. Further, when a single person inputs as necessary to open a door, multiple people may travel through the door and not be detected and their location not be updated in the software. RFID technology passively tracks personnel and tracks all personnel traveling through a doorway, overcoming the limitations of access control systems.

RFID facility doorways can be equipped with network-connected lights/alarms and/or can trigger doorway locks to prevent unauthorized movements of personnel or visitors. RFID facility doorways can also be implemented with video surveillance cameras to augment RFID data with video footage.

RFID facility doorways passively track personnel and visitors for determining the most precise location of persons in facilities, so that an organization’s personnel and/or first responders can most accurately conduct search and rescue missions.