Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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Access Controls

Access control systems, whether at a facilities main entrance/exit, all building entrance/exits or within facilities, provide important location data relative to personnel and visitors. SmartTraxx PA imports data from access control systems so that muster data is as comprehensive and as precise as possible. With data from access control systems, muster reports provide the most exacting data, enabling First Responders to most accurately pinpoint a person’s location within a facility.

Access control systems can be controlled by passive RFID readers that unlock doors based on an ID card carried by personnel, by phone sync, contact RFID card, PIN # or biometrics. Access control systems control personnel and visitor movements into or within facilities based on areas of travel authorized for the person.