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RFID Asset Tracking and Management

Organizations are constantly looking to reduce expenses, protect staff, meet regulatory compliance, and maximize utilization of assets and personnel, all while offering the best possible services to customers. SmartTraxx enables achievement of these objectives through the power of enterprise-wide, real-time visibility of your people and assets both inside and outside your facilities.

SmartTraxx’s real-time location platform offers RTLS capability, portal detection, and an almost infinite number of  monitoring and security applications. Whether it’s Healthcare Security, Oil& Gas site, a heavy equipment yard, a construction site, or any facility with assets, SmartTraxx delivers industry-leading active and UHF RFID asset tracking and security on one reliable, high-performance platform that’s easy to implement, and as expandable as needed.


From challenging, remote sites storing heavy industrial equipment and materials, to automotive manufacturing plants, organizations not only need to know where valuable assets are at any given moment, but also how to protect them from loss and theft. A NICB and NER report found that equipment theft was costing companies an average of $400 million per year, not to mention the impact and disruption of downtime. And when it comes to assembly lines, tracking the flow of tens of thousands of items, and facing the very real possibility of temporarily misplaced items or parts shortages, can stop manufacturing processes, resulting in lost productivity and delayed delivery.

SmartTraxx’s Asset Tracking solution helps industrial organizations achieve maximum security and efficiencies for asset management – inside and around facilities, regardless of environment, equipment size or total tag volume. With enterprise-wide visibility across all sites from virtually any device, anywhere, and its industry-leading range of long-lasting, rugged Active RFID tags, SmartTraxx provides a real-time view of tagged equipment throughout facilities and/or site pinpointed to as close as a few feet.


From office buildings to school campuses, it pays to know the location of valuable assets, who has them (and if they have permission to have them), what state they’re in, and where those assets can and can’t be taken. The cost of lost, stolen, and underutilized equipment can add up quickly, especially for large organizations managing thousands of items within and across buildings. However, manual asset tracking and accountability processes are time consuming, and inevitably result in data entry errors… not to mention lacking real-time asset visibility, and the automatic risk mitigation associated with that unattended, continuous monitoring.


Hospital assets are expensive. In fact, the cost per bed has risen 90% in the past 15 years, and keeping track of equipment has become a full-time job. Some of the most commonly needed and often misplaced healthcare items are IV and other pumps, endoscopes, gurneys, crash carts, beds, wheelchairs, blood pressure and ECG monitors, bladder scanners, sterilizable trays, and more. Finding a $150 wheelchair can take up staff time worth thousands of dollars, which is why some hospitals are known to purchase 10-20% more equipment than necessary just so staff will have what they need when they need it. Little do most realize that, with the installation of the right real-time asset location system, hospitals could speed equipment locating to save staff valuable time, could ensure that equipment has been maintained and is in compliance for the best possible patient care, and could prevent overall asset loss and theft to lower operational costs. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

SmartTraxx helps commercial organizations to achieve maximum security and efficiencies when it comes to assets in or outside of buildings, regardless of environment, equipment size or total tag volume. SmartTraxx provides enterprise-class asset management, including:

– Computerized asset registry
– RFID technology for tracking assets
– Motion and tamper tags to prevent unauthorized asset tampering or movements
– Depreciation and valuation calculations
– Inspection, calibration and maintenance tracking
– Unlimited reporting