Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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RFID Guard and Custodian Tracking

Managing a Security Guard force on patrol is a difficult task given the wide variety of sites, variety of facility types, 24/7 coverage, numerous security guards and the need for assurance that security rounds are followed to requirements.

SmartTraxx PA enables registration of security personnel, tracking of security personnel movements, locations and length of time at each location. The software updates the location of security staff as they travel, and builds historical audit trails of all movements over time, including person, location, time and date. Primary features include:

• Records when all Security Guards arrive and leave each company site.
• Collects the Who, When, Where and What for Security Guard patrols
• Supports both facility based and mobile patrols.
• Verifies by location, the amount of time spent on site and at each location.
• Alerts in ‘real time’ if a Security Guard fails to report as scheduled.
• Permits Security Guards to consistently report critical safety inspection/inventories.
• Creates the ability to monitor Security Guards working at infrequently scheduled events.
• Reports on all Security Guards regardless of the provider.
• Reports are easily accessible from any computer.
• Reports on-site Security Guard hours that can be directly compared to invoice hours.

Similarly to tracking security personnel, SmartTraxx PA monitors the movements of custodial staff, enabling verification of services provided, time spent at each location and reconciliation of invoice hours against actual data derived from RFID tracking.