Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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RFID Spot-Check Personnel and Visitor Tracking

Mobile phones, tablets and scanners can be utilized by security personnel for spot-checks to authenticate personnel and visitors on grounds or within facilities are authorized to be where they are located. The devices include a database of authorized personnel and visitors, including photograph, enabling security personnel to view a drivers license/passport or scan ID card RFID chip or bar code to authenticate personnel and visitors.

Mobile devices are also effective tools for personnel mustering, increasing security and improving efficiency during and emergency event:

• Automated headcount per mustering zone

• Manual mustering of personnel without a tag

• Wireless networking of devices for complete muster data on all devices

• Simple relocation of mustering points

• Real-time identification of missing personnel