Personnel Mustering & Personnel Accountability

RFID Personnel Mustering ♦ RFID Personnel Accountability

RFID Gate Tracking Systems ♦ RFID Mustering Points

Exterior RFID Personnel Tracking ♦ Grounds RFID Personnel Tracking

RFID Asset Tracking ♦ RFID Vehicle Tracking ♦ Worker Safety 877-280-RFID (7343)

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RFID Worker Safety

Studies indicate that a worker dies every 15 seconds from a work-related accident, and 153 more are hurt. That’s 317 million accidents on the job annually, with many resulting in extended absences from work. New employees are hit the hardest with a 300% greater chance of a lost-time injury, compared to workers who have been on the job for more than a year. The costs, publicity and regulatory environment surrounding worker safety make it more important than ever to incorporate technology and software as required for ‘best practices’ worker safety.

• Motorized Equipment RFID Reader / Personnel Tag Anti-Collision

• Loan Worker Location Tracking, Movement Monitoring and Duress Alerts

• Effective Mustering Through Passive Tracking of Personnel and Visitors

• Ability to Find Workers or 1st Responders with Movable Radio-Wave Scanner

SmartTraxx PA utilizes RFID technology to provide enterprise-wide visibility at any single monitoring point, such as a door or gate, or large indoor/outdoor areas with RF zones that can be 1,000’s of feet. RFID technology enables pinpointing of personnel/visitor locations real-time and to within a few feet, by integrating both, long-range RTLS and close-range RFID zonal detection, in a single system, providing precise real-time worker visibility and perimeter and/or zonal security.

RFID readers and alarms/lights mounted on moving equipment and vehicles and personnel RFID tags are calibrated for safety distances, such as 15’ or 100’+. If moving equipment or a vehicle moves into the defined proximity distance of a tagged worker, the alarm and light alerts are triggered on the equipment or within a vehicle.

Effective personnel mustering, which requires passive RFID tracking versus muster point tracking, identifies personnel or visitors that are unaccounted-for during an emergency or disaster. Accurate muster data ensures that workers or visitors that have not been mustered are identified and their most precise current location is defined.

RFID motion tags indicate when a person has stopped moving (man-down), and RFID tags include optional duress button so that staff can send need-help messages to designated security personnel. Security personnel and 1st Responders can also utilize mobile RF scanners to find personnel or visitors from up to approximately 1,500’, using color scale, frequency of beeps and numeric index to guide the User right-to the person being looked-for.

• Lower operational costs by preventing worker injury while providing a safe environment for workers to thrive within.

• Gain real visibility at any given moment through an intuitive software “dashboard”.

• Integrate with existing safety systems to ensure your personnel protection is part of your larger facility strategy.