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RFID Yard Management

Inventory tracking and security is hard enough in indoor warehouses and buildings. But often, organizations have valuable assets and stock in challenging outdoor environments that require the same level of management and protection. Fences, gates, lights, and manual management efforts only do so much, which unfortunately result in escalating costs due to regularly misplaced and stolen inventory, and time wasted by employees looking for what they need when they need it. It’s even worse when inventory is spread across different yards.

SmartTraxx’s RFID Yard Management solution is a robust multi-purpose real-time location platform, helping industrial organizations achieve maximum security, compliance, and efficiencies when it comes to outdoor inventory and assets – regardless of environment, equipment size, and total tag volume. With its enterprise-wide visibility from any single monitoring point, and its industry-leading range of long-lasting, rugged Active RFID tags to choose from, SmartTraxx provides a real-time view of tagged inventory throughout your site – even across multiple locations – and indicates its location, in order to save time, and therefore cost. It does this by integrating both long-range RTLS and close-range portal detection in a single system, providing precise real-time inventory visibility and perimeter security.

• Improve operations with real-time visibility and management of equipment and inventory

• Lower operational costs by preventing inventory theft and loss

• Track and reconcile taken and returned ivnentory